Here is another assignment we had for photoshop. Now it was a self portrait, but we had to be an actor, symbolizing, or being someone else.
I chose to symbolize our culture.
Here is what I said when I presented it:
I am supposed to represent our culture and how we thrive on things like lust, selfishness, and other sins. It is so prevalent in all the advertisements around us. (side note: For example, jean ads are so sexual, because companies are trying to condition us to relate their brand of jeans to sexual pleasure. As for selfishness - all advertisements are geared toward bettering your own life, not bettering a community, hence we gorge ourselves with clothes, food, and entertainment, rather than solving world hunger, or giving a homeless person clothes). The TV is supposed to symbolize those things. We hold onto those things because we like them and how they make us feel - but in reality, they hold onto us even tighter. We think we get fulfillment out of them, but really what they are doing is sucking everything out of us. That is why there are nails in my other hand, symbolizing Christ. He has given us freedom from thses sins, if only we would embrace and hold onto him.
Basically we have two choices. There is a battle going on around us everyday, and victory is in the hand that we do not grip.
Thanks for reading guys, I really appreciate it! more posts to come soon!

© 2009 Reid Lambshead