Saturday, May 16, 2009


Well, I was looking through some photos again today, and I found this! I thought it would be a good opportunity to tell you all how I got into photography!

I never owed a camera in my life, except for a point and shoot film camera I had convinced my mother to buy for me when I was 8 at a garage sale. Lol, but that quickly began to collect dust on my shelf. I did take a photography course in grade 10, but it wasn't until after my first year at bible college that I decided to go on a missions trip, and for which I bought a dslr. This is truly how it all began. I travelled all through Asia with two friends, for four months. I used my camrea basically everyday.

Anyways, from there on in I was sold, I haven't let go of my camera since, I absolutely love it, and love blessing others through it.

Here is a photograph that my friend (Jordan Fretz) took of me while in Maui (stayed in Maui for a week before heading to Asia). We were on top of Haleakala (a volcano) while the sun set.......UNreal.



Mich said...

wow that is an amazing picture.
hey reid - i love your new website - very nice looking. hope you get to do lots this summer!!

Geren said...

no the scary thing is that it IS REAL. holy friggin crap! indescribable. just amazing.

Jay Brock said...

Great shot! I absolutely LOVED Haleakala Crater!

Unknown said...

such a sweet time man, ps. You should come over some time and grab some of the photos you don't have from the trip!

Kelly Partington said...

I have been there Reid, beautiful! I wish i were there at sunset tho!!