Monday, July 13, 2009


Happy Birthday Mandy!! Today is my younger sister's birthday, she's not so young anymore though. The big 22! I love you Mandy.

I had the recent pleasure of photographing the students of Burlington Christian Academy for their new website! It was a great time. I was able to go into the classes and photograph the children as the worked. I was really impressed with the teachers, students and staff. It was a great day. Here are a few of my favourites. Their new website will be up shortly.








Greg Vanderleeuw said...

These are great school shots Reid, no joke. The kid in photo four is adorable! How did you get a kid that age to pose like that? Model in the coming for sure.

Geren said...

buddy you are just the man. all those shots are great! i especially like the violin shot!!! every shot looks so crisp! just unreal! can't wait to seeya soon!!!

p.s. u better bring ur guitar!

Mich said...

oh cute! these look like the perfect pictures that someone would want to have on a website to represent their school. 10 points!!

Kathy Downey said...

Great pictures.
The first little girl is Ashlyn Bowyer - Michael's daughter - ya know? Pastor of Ellis congregation....yeah! :)

Unknown said...

excellent work Reid. all around awesome. you need to come take some snaps of the african children's choir!

Unknown said...

Hey Reid, I like your original logo with the wide white and the writing in the center at the bottom of the page the best.