Monday, September 28, 2009

Fascination for Trees


Alright, so like it or not, I have this huge fascination for trees, not just any kind of trees, dead ones!

Just think about those branches and what they've seen!

The torrential storms that shed it's leaves, the endless heat that it endured, the homes that it provided, the revival of spring rains, the gallons of water nourishing it's roots as it stretched to the sky, the beauty of blue serene winter nights as snow fell and rested on it.

and here it is, at the end of its life....bare,

yet still a witness and a participant of creation.

© 2009 Reid Lambshead


Greg Vanderleeuw said...

This tree does not represent our friendship in any way.

Eric Reynolds said...

really neat guy... very uncommon, or irregular, i dont know how to say it, less than typical? extra-ordinary?

good job :)

Anonymous said...

reid! so poetic! and i love the pic :)