Sunday, November 22, 2009



20 days, how can they go by so quickly. I know, this is unacceptable, I will try to be more disciplined. This is an ad for my studio class. I was really pumped for this ad, and I am very ahppy of how it turned out. Thanks to my model (Mandy) and my makeup artist (Danielle), for such a great job.

More posts this week I promise! I am working on some great assignments this week, and I cant wait to post them, keep checking back!

© 2009 Reid Lambshead


Geren Woodbridge said...

wow. need i say more?

Unknown said...

Awesome work Reid!You are so talented!

Anonymous said...

Amazing!! Love the purple! Very professional looking!

Bottled Media said...

How can i not like this pic?!?!?

You're a superstar Reid. Don't forget it!