We were instructed to create an advertisement in a direction that Tim Hortons has never gone. This is my solution! I was terrified when starting it, because I was afraid of what I was getting myself into, but knowing that I was capable I persisted, and the final product exceeded my initial expectations.
enjoy and expect many posts very very soon! Starting tomorrow! .... super pumped for the upcoming posts!
© 2009 Reid Lambshead
Siiiiiiick. Love it.
Tims should go there.... and hire you!
This is great, Reid!! Awesome job!!!
Wait, is that Jen I see in the crowd?!!! hehehe!
Love the pilgrims! Way to go Reid!
Here is the slogan for the picture...
Tim Hortons come and get it....
See its simple but I think it will work haha... Good job bud like always...
Straight to the Border. We should have a Wall of Reid!
Love it :)
what a great ad. must have been so much work. it's epic though. i think that's the best word to describe it... epic. keep it up
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