Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Just this past weekend I had the privilege of doing a few shoots with Jojeto. These guys are phenomenal..... So talented! I was able to shoot two of their concerts in one day, it definitely was not boring. These guys really know how to put on a show! Make sure you check them out. I also was able to ride in their van and hangout out with them for the day, so I grabbed some lifestyle shots. Here are a few of my favourites from the day.







Geren said...

never heard of them... but i'm gonna check em out now!! and i trust ur music taste... so i'm gonna go with you on this one! haha as always buddy, sick shots!

Mich said...

these are awesome reid!! i love the one of the van in front of that awesome building! its sweet when your job allows you to do super rad things!!

Elizabeth Kaye said...

these shots are unreal..

i feel like maybe this is goin to be something you will get tons of work doing :)
always good at candid stuff!

big fan.

AC said...

Great tone on these man. I like how they ended up.