Thursday, June 4, 2009


Well, yes it's true I love my mom. Tonight we went out to do a little prep at a location I am going to be using. Her birthday was back in March, and as a present I told her once it became warm, we would go out grab some ice cream and have a little date. So we did, after she did a little bit of modeling for me. Thanks mom for being so amazing, and such a joy to be around!

I love you.





Geren Woodbridge said...

wow... you're the man reid. ur such a great son! as always... SICK PICS. i love how u make simple photos look so good!

dani lyn ayee said...

your mom is a babe and you shoulda gotten a photo together because that woulda been cutestttt

Anonymous said...

lol reidski! sue! BC! theres just so much goodness flowing here lol... keep it up buddayy!