Thursday, August 6, 2009

Beautiful Faces

Ok so I couldn't help but to get this on the blog ASAP! My little cousin made a surprise visit today at my house. I couldn't resist but to break out the strobe and do a photo shoot with her. August is looking good so far! Two posts in two days! Watch out blogging world! lol .... nm. enjoy the cuteness of my cousin.

© 2009 Reid Lambshead


Mandy said...

Great job, buddy! you're right, we do have a very cute cousin!!

Anonymous said...

no way....

im not sure if thats a real site but im basically saying you're great lol...


Greg Vanderleeuw said...

Wow, adorable girl! Nice shots Reid. I couldn't imagine she would ever be a rascal. I looked like that when I was little you know, just the boy version. lol...hope you're well.

Anonymous said...

These are great pictures - well done, Reid! She is so adorable - she looks like she could do commercials. Keep up the great work!

Geren said...

wow such a cutie!!! unreal shots. ur the man. as always.

Corinne said...

Awwww she is soo adorable