Hey Guys.....ok, so July seemed to be lacking in posts......I'm sorry. I promise to make August more interesting, well at least more often! I met up with some friends a couple weekends ago at the cottage. We went to a nearby farm and managed to sneak a couple goods ones. But for our purposes today I will give you a fav of mine.
enjoy the rest of your short week!!

© 2009 Reid Lambshead
very nice!!! and changing up the name a lil bit! i like it! it makes the picture flow!
i'm excited to see more cottage pics!!!!!!!!
Its clear that you have a good eye for photography and you bring creativity to your shoots. The clarity of your ideas, and the photos themselves, is remarkable.
However!, putting your "signature" on all of your photos is, in my opinion, distracting and disrupts any flow that the picture could have had. This photograph, for example, is beautiful! but your name ruins it. It is so full of emotion and then like an ink spill, the text takes anything that was good about it away. This goes for all your photos. I understand that getting your name out there is important, but at the risk of ruining your photos? I looked through all of your work and each time I saw your name I forgot about the photo because it was so distracting. And, think about how every picture tells a story or has an emotion. Can your chosen style/font of your name fit with them all?
This will probably just annoy you or think that I couldn't possibly know what I was talking about. But just consider that I could be a future commission for you. So think about what has been said. You want the power of your work to speak for itself, without having to put your stamp on it.
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